Janie In Their Eyes Were Watching God

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The book I read was Their Eyes were Watching God. The genre of this story was a coming-of-age novel,with an American Southern spiritual journey. The general setting of this story is the early twentieth century, presumably the 1920s or 1930s, in the Rural area of Florida. The main character is Janie. She is sixteen years old and is pursuing passion as she goes through three different marriages. She is an independent individual that never gives up on her dreams and is willing to defy social norms. I can relate to the main character, Janie, because just like her I am also independent. What basically happens throughout this story, the main character, Janie, gets married to three men. The reason for this is because the first marriage did not …show more content…

So this first marriage Janie’s grandmother marries her off to an older farmer Logan Killicks. After Janie moves in with Logan he treats her like she’s nothing. So one day Janie finds an ambitious man named Joe Starks. Janie and Joe start to flirt, and soon enough they run off and get married. They travel to Eatonville, but there Janie and Joe start to have issues in their marriage. Joe would never allow Janie to interact with “common people.” After two decades of their marriage Janie defends herself after Joe insults her appearance. They then get into a huge fight in front of the townspeople and after he severely beats her. Their marriage into shambles and Joe becomes ill. After some months Janie visits Joe at his death bed. She confronts him of they way he treated her and after that he dies. After that Janie meets a man named Tea Cake who is twelve years younger than her. They immediately become attracted to each other and get married, they then move to Jacksonville. After the first week of their marriage Tea Cake steals her money and runs away, after the two encounter some struggles in their marriage. He returns a day later and they discuss their difficulties. Janie and Tea Cake then move to …show more content…

The impact that the conflict has on the main character is that it interferes with her trying to find peace within herself. For example, her first husband thought that Janie would be great value to him and his appearance. These were one of the conflicts that affected Janie. Another example is how Janie’s first husband did the same. Logan, in the beginning of their marriage took advantage of Janie and treated her like she was

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