Jane Eyre Research Paper

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“Jane Eyre”: Thornfield Hall

Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre is an autobiographic novel that tells the story of a young orphan Jane Eyre’s life and her search for friendship and somewhere she can call home. Throughout her life, she resides in countless different “homes”, but Jane Eyre could not consider these places her home. A home is where Jane can feel comfort, love and equality. The only home Jane can feel comfort in is Thornfield Hall. Mrs. Fairfax and Mr. Rochester each made her stay in Thornfield Hall.

Thornfield Hall met up to Jane Eyre’s expectations that she would like it as her new home. She is given a very welcoming tour by Mrs. Fairfax. This makes Jane feel very comfortable in her new home, as she states that Thornfield is “a cozy …show more content…

Rochester. Although he is in a much higher class than her because of his wealth, and she was in a much lower-class due to her being a governess and working for him. He engages in conversation with her and has an interest in her life, as though she is his equal. He asked about her life before Thornfield. “Miss Eyre, have you ever lived in a town?” (p.123) this was odd of him to show an interest in someone of her social class. Jane Eyre was initially attracted to him and him showing interest in her made the attraction grow, but Jane knew because of their social class that they would never get a chance. When Jane saw him conversing with people of his own class she said: "he is not of their kind. I believe he is of mine;—I am sure he is,—I feel akin to him,—I understand the language of his countenance and movements… we are for ever sundered:—and yet, while I breathe and think I must love him." (p. 175). Here she realized she loved him and that they are good for each other. Jane Eyre and Rochester love was expresses, and he made Thornfield somewhere she could finally call home. "I am strangely glad to get back again to you; and wherever you are is my home... there is no happiness like that of being loved… and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort " (p. 246) Her love for Rochester and the way he comforts her was shown in that quote and that Thornfield is the place where she will forever call her

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