James Watt Research Paper

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1. James Watt – James Watt was born on January 30, 1736 and was a Scottish engineer. His occupation was being a mechanical engineer and his main contribution was bringing improvements to the Newcomen steam engine. Furthermore, he formulated the concept of horsepower and the SI unit of power also known as the Watt, is named after him. Other contributions such as inventing the photocopier were notable, but they were not as prevalent as the steam engine. He died on August 25, 1819.
2. Robert Fulton – Robert Fulton was born on November 1, 1765 and was an American inventor, artist, and engineer. Although he did not invent the product, his main contribution was immensely improving the steamboat to commercial success. Moreover, he invented the submarine …show more content…

Alexander Graham Bell – Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847 and was a Scottish scientist, inventor, engineer, and innovator. He is renowned for inventing and patenting the first telephone. Bell also invented the twisted pair, two conductors on a single circuit board twisted together to minimize electromagnetic interference, and the graphophone, an improved version of the phonograph. He died August 2, 1922.
4. Samuel F. B. Morse – Samuel Morse was born on April 27, 1791 and was an American painter and inventor. Although he illustrated a plethora of paintings, he is worldly-renowned for improving the electro-magnetic telegraph and inventing the unified model language Morse code. The electro-magnetic telegraph was the machine used to telecommunicate by tapping on the tapper to where two people are able to send and receive messages through the rhythm of the tapping and using the Morse code language to translate. Morse died on April 2, 1872.
5. Elias Howe – Elias Howe Jr. was born on July 9, 1819 and was an American inventor and sewing machine pioneer. He is known for inventing the first sewing machine in 1846. He fought against Walter Hunt and Isaac Singer in regards to whom received the patent on who invented the sewing machine. He won both times and was labelled as the inventor of the sewing machine. He died on October 3,

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