James Madison's Federalist No 10

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James Madison’s Federalist No 10. outlines many of the aspects that the American Government was founded on, and features that continue to be employed to this day. The primary point throughout the essay was warning our nation of the formation of factions, or party united under one goal, and how a government would be able to prevent a majority faction from assuming complete power. Madison argues that the formation of factions are the primary reason for failure within a government. The essay argues that factions must be removed or controlled in their effects in order to have an efficient, and successful government. Madison focuses his essay on how a government can control faction’s effects and then declares his thesis: “The ability of free people …show more content…

Madison and the other Framers of the Constitution set up a protective and durable system that is capable of slow change, but also difficult to overthrow. Having just experienced an oppressive government and a revolution that toppled a powerful government, the Framers of the Constitution were able to remain objective and create a system of powers that ensures equality to its people, as well as structure and security in government. Madison’s recommended government successfully prevents the most common cause of popular governments disappearing- factions. His government diminishes the effects of majority factions through a system of checks and balances. An example of the power of factions in the world were the incidents within the Arab Spring. Throughout the two years, four governments were overthrown, civil uprisings occurred in two countries, and protests occurred in twelve countries. The cause of this instability were the two major factions within the Islamic religion: Sunni and Shiite. This instability is exactly what Madison wanted to avoid. His ideal government has been able to withstood centuries, and succeed in maintaining a strong government. However, the initial argument of Anti-Federalists- “A large republic will not better protect the rights of a minority faction” is still prevalent. Madison’s plan does not completely ameliorate the problem of protecting the rights of minority factions. However, with the size of the United States, it is impossible to maintain order while adhering to every individual's desires. Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk, was imprisoned for not adhering to national law, is a prime example of a compromise needing to be made. Ms. Davis, a devout Christian, does not withhold the belief that same-sex marriage should occur. Unwilling to do her elected job, Kim Davis was punished for not allowing the natural rights of these people, which resulted in jail time. In this instance, it is

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