James Lord Of The Flies Chapter Summaries

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James is an interesting book filled with tips and commands. It is a book that our lives should be based around. There is teaching on taming the tongue, temptations, listening well, favoritism, deeds, wisdom, submission, boasting, warning, patience, and prayer. Jam packed with valuable information, it is one of the most useful books that I have come across. The book starts out in chapter one with trials and temptations. He says be happy when you face trials, for it will produce perseverance. It immediately switches to the topic of wisdom, and how if one isn't wise, he or she is to ask God for that wisdom. And when one asks, they must be faithful that he will provide you with wisdom, yet if one doesn't, they will not receive anything. After saying this, James goes back to saying that those who do persevere temptation will be blessed with “the crown of life” that the Lord will give them. Then listening and doing comes up. We must be slow to anger, speak, and do, getting rid of all moral filth. Chapter two begins with favoritism. This is where the story of one seat, two people comes in. Would a rich man or a poor man get the seat? God has chosen the poor to be blessed. We are supposed to love our neighbor as ourselves. If we show favoritism, we will be convicted of our sin by the law as lawbreakers. Breaking one law, one …show more content…

This sounds harsh, but we shouldn't be rich, we should give to people and not hoard wealth. It is just fattening for the day of slaughter. We should suffer in this life, but it is only light and momentary compared to what is to come. The Lord’s coming is near, and he will judge us, for he is the one and only judge. Above all, he says, do not swear. This may seem like not a big deal, but it very much is. If we don't swear, we will think more happy thoughts and be more joyful overall. We also must pray and ask God to be with us and love us and comfort us and be with

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