James Fallows Media Dysfunction In America

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Today’s Media is on the decline into a “shallow, diverse, and unreliable” place (Fallows). In an article by James Fallows called “Learning To Love The (Shallow, Diverse, Unreliable) New Media” he frequently talks about how the media is affecting the American mind negatively. Fallows often references other people in to article to support his claim. The new media has caused dysfunction, filtered information, and competition among Americans. Fallows talks a lot about how the new media is causing dysfunction in America. According to Fallows, “Most things look promising for America- except for our ability to face and solve big problems through our political system.” This statement can cause tension because the readers could take it harshly. With such a bold statement people will often take side whether they agree or disagree with the statement. Fallows goes on to state “the media are doing a worse job than they used to, that their failures make it harder for the country as a whole and for the individuals trying to understand the world to do business and make sensible decisions.” The media has become so flawed that Fallows believes Americans are unable to make the best decisions they need to for this country. …show more content…

Fallows states “the buffers between what people want and what the media can afford to deliver have been stripped away.” With this being “stripped away” it leaves Americans with the gossip and not the information they actually need to know (Fallows). Fallows also stated that “We have created a technology that has wonderful potential, but increases our ability to lie to ourselves and forget it is a lie.” Technology was created for many great things and has potential, but Americans are blinded by many aspects they often don’t have control

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