Jamaica Compare And Contrast

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1,766 miles south, 6 hours of flight, how different can it be? Jamaica is a totally different place than the small square we call home here in Barry county. Is there anything that is the same? What all is different? I can tell you that there is a lot to be said on this, and there is almost more difference than similarities when you travel that far down, and walk into a totally different culture and climate.

The first thing you notice once you get off the plane, is the heat. Jamaica is in the tropic of Cancer, meaning it never experiences all of the seasons. But here in Barry County, we have all four seasons (sometimes within one day). But in Jamaica the average temperature never drops below 60 degrees. But here it is not unusual to have …show more content…

Also their roads were much narrower than they are here. Sometimes the roads would be within feet of a cliff, or rock wall. Along with being narrow, the roads also had a lot of twists and turns that got some of our crew carsick on the two hour ride to our destination. It was also interesting to be on the left side of the road while other traffic is heading your way. People also used their car horns much more leniently; they almost have their own honking language. Some honks meant “hello” others were warnings, like when our bus would go around a curve, the driver would let our several honks to tell other drivers he was coming. Overall, it was a cool experience to see the different driving styles of Jamaica compared to home.

Also a lot of people in Jamaica are poor and live in tiny homes, some less than 100 sq ft. The poverty there is much more than what we have here. These people scrape by living on coconuts and plantains, but they don’t seem to complain, and are very happy people. They are very gracious to everyone, and are so happy just to see you and talk to you. The people of Jamaica are just very kind. Not saying the people of Barry County are not kind, but the joy that people show you in the streets is something

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