Jacob Bernoulli Research Paper

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Jacob Bernoulli was born on the 27th of December, 1654, to Niklaus and Margarethe Bernoulli, in Basel, Switzerland. He initially abided by his father’s wishes and studied theology, eventually joining the ministry, but also chose to study both mathematics and astronomy on the side. From the ages of 22 to 28, he traveled throughout Europe, learning about the most recent advances in mathematics and the natural sciences, including recent discoveries by Boyle and Hooke.
It was through extended communication with Gottfried Leibnitz that Bernoulli was exposed to calculus. When he returned from his travels to Basel in 1682, he founded a school of mathematics and the sciences, and married his wife Judith Stupanus two years later. He became Professor of Mathematics at the University of Basel in 1687, which he retained for the rest of his life, and also began tutoring his brother in calculus. At the time, Leibnitz’s work was not very well known among mathematicians, and the Bernoullis were among the first to try to understand and apply Leibnitz’s discoveries.
Bernoulli developed the technique...

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