Jack Vance's Short Story 'Liane The Wayfarer'

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Jack Vance uses a writing style that is similar to that of a storyteller from the medieval times in his short story “Liane the Wayfarer”. It seems as if the narrator is retelling the story to an audience. The narrators tone in the story is impartial to all of the characters. The narrator’s neutral tone helps the reader enter Liane’s world. Vance also uses repetition to emphasize certain details about Liane’s adventure. One example is when the author repeats certain phrases as seen in the following quote: “Liane sped along the crest of a wall and sprang a great gap to a shattered fountain. Behind came Chun. Liane darted up a narrow alley, climbed over a pile of refuse, over a roof, down into a court. Behind came Chun” (Vance p. 183) By repeating

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