Jack Kenny's Analysis Of Women In Combat For Wars Without End

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Analysis of Women in Combat for Wars Without End
Serving in any branch of the military is highly difficult and depleting. Due to this, only highly qualified citizens are able to be a part of this strong group of Americans. Every member must be strong not only in a physical aspect, but also in a mental aspect. As a result, the military mostly consists of men, due to their advantage in size, strength, and lack of strong emotions over women. The argument ‘Women in Combat for Wars Without End’ by Jack Kenny, argues that women pose as high risk members in the military. Kenny argues that there are far too many complications that come with women being a part of the military, and that the United States should not provide women with access to joining the military. His reasoning is based upon the weaseling the military will have to undergo to accommodate women, and that it's just not worth the trouble. Kenny’s argument is logical in that he provides instances and examples that make sense to use to support his opinion. Not only that, but he also offers a sound argument. His premises are valid, and can be proven …show more content…

Jack Kenny, however, structured his piece very strategically. He begins with the quote, “Marine Corps infantry is not ‘broken’, so let’s not ‘fix’ it” (CITATION), which really draws in his audience. When I first picked up the article, that’s what drew me in. Additionally, before I even began reading the piece, I noticed that Kenny used various subtitles to help organize his essay. Not only did he incorporate subtitles, but he ensured that they contained interesting little titles to continue to grab his audience's attention throughout his argument. In addition, Kenny frequently began new paragraphs with a quote. This could have been is way to shift into another piece of evidence to support his premise, which really gave his essay a nice

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