J.B. Priestley’s Ideal World

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J.B. Priestley’s Ideal World

‘An Inspector calls’ is a play, set in 1912, which works on many

different levels. On the surface it is a play about an inspection in

to the suicide of a girl called Eva Smith and how everyone in the play

is involved in the down fall of this girl. However, if you look deeper

into the play there is another meaning. It is about the characters

having an inspection of their consciences. If you look deeper still,

it is a play is not only about Eva Smith alone but about all the

people that get hurt by other people’s actions. It is about how people

abuse their power, status and use their money to achieve what they

want and do not think or care about the consequences of their actions.

It gives us an idea about what Priestley’s ideal world would be and

how we should and shouldn’t act, by showing the mistakes that the

characters make.

Priestley makes it very clear that he doesn’t like the way that the

characters abuse their power and status. Mr Birling abuses his power

because although he could have given a pay rise to Eva Smith and the

other girls he decided not to. He says ‘They wanted the rates raised

to twenty shillings a week. I refused, of course.’ This shows that

although it was in his power to give the girls a raise and make their

lives easier he decided that they had enough already. He then goes on

to sack the girls who came to him asking for the raise, saying ‘she’d

had a lot to say – far too much – so she had to go.’ Again he abuses

his power because he decides that she had spoken out so he was going

to discharge her. Although Eva Smith had done nothing wrong, Mr

Birling decided that he would prove...

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...s that people make Priestley shows

these faults through the mistakes that the characters make. Many of

the faults are to do with abuse of power, money, status and people.

All of the mistakes that the characters make have a significant effect

on the victim of their actions, whether or not Eva Smith is one person

or lots of people. In Priestley’s ideal world no one would abuse their

power money or status; no one would be prejudiced or look down on

other. People would think about the consequences of their actions and

would avoid doing anything that hurt another person. However, I do not

believe Priestley’s ideal world will ever by reality and it certainly

is not today as people are still hurting other people and people are

still making the same mistakes as Arthur, Sybil, Shelia, Eric and

Gerald made in An Inspector calls.

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