J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls

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J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls Britain in the early 1900's was a class-ridden society. Life was not

easy for some. Some found it very easy, this was because of the unjust

system of class, it all depended on whether you were rich or poor, and

upon education. People were labelled as working, middle, or upper

class, so the upper class would have titles and were very important

people, whereas the working class were known as cheap labour. The poor

just got poorer and the rich got richer, time - workers had no rights

and there was little social security. There had to be some kind of

people who had a desire to change things socially, someone had to

rebel against this unfair system before things got any worse. These

people were the socialists, and some of them wrote plays to change the

way of thinking, one of which was "an inspector calls." John Boynton

Priestley was the successful writer of the play.

He was born in the county of Yorkshire on the 13th of September 1894.

He knew early on that he wanted to become a writer, but decided

against going university, as he believed that the world outside

classrooms and labs would help him to become a writer. He was gaining

experience to achieve success in his writing career as he said, "it

was the years 1911-14 that set their stamp upon me." He was

politically minded and liked to discuss politics, this may have been

because he was growing up into his father's socialist friends (which

must have i...

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...son to blame most is Sybil Birling.

She was selfish and heartless leaving Eva to give up on herself. Eva

had that little bit of hope left going to the organisation, but Mrs B

turns away her helping hand. Maybe Arthur had triggered it off but Mrs

B could have sorted out things out if she understood why Eva had used

the name Birling. What makes you feel more anger for Sybil is that she

thinks it wasn't her fault at all: she had no guilt whatsoever.

Although I think it would be unfair to blame just Mrs Birling

entirely, as each character played a part to the death of Eva smith.

It would be more logical to blame society and the way they lived in

those times, no real crime was committed, and it is more a case of

social conscience. I think families like the Birlings need to aid

others with their actions, not just themselves.

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