Ixion: The Son Of Aries

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The birthing process. Not everything in Mythology has to make sense, and over half their births are nothing like what we consider “child” birth. Two different beginnings to how centaurs became about, but both lead to the same conclusion. Ixion is either the son of Ares, who is the God of War (which explains the aggression the centaurs demonstrate), or he is the son of Plegyas of Lapithis, who was also the son of Aries was also. From there it briefly discusses how Ixion has killed his father-in-law and is begging to be purified. Only a god can do such a thing. The all might Zeus hears his pleas and take pity on the human. Ixion becomes buddy buddy with Zeus, however, Zeus hears through the grape vine that someone has a crush on Hera, …show more content…

With that being said, Centaurs are prone to their creature nature over their human like qualities, which give them their reputation of bringing chaos where ever they went, and malicious violence. Chiron was born from his mother, the nymph, Philyra and his father the great Titan King Cronos. His mother, who was disgusted at the birth of her child, pleaded with the Gods to turn her into the tree; where then she left Chiron away in a cave at Mount Pelion. As he grew, so did his wisdom; and unlike the other centaurs he craved knowledge and insight to the world. Chiron becomes so talented in many areas that even the gods begin to take notice; he taught the sons of the gods’ and to men. Jason, Peleus, Achilles, Asclepius and Heracles were all foster sons to the great Chiron. Heracles would become the downfall of the once wise centaur, for he did not heed his warning or discontent. As stated prior, centaurs are notoriously known for their love for alcoholic substances. Scene is set as Chiron had prepared a feast for his students. When the all mighty Heracles, who feared no man or creature, decided to open a bottle of liquor that was gifted to the centaurs from Dionysus. As soon as he popped the top off of the jug, the surrounding one’s crept from their caves and flooded Chiron's home with the thirst for alcohol. Heracles fends off the swarms of the half man and half horse …show more content…

A brief back story, enemies from the start, but grew to respect and admiration for one another at first sight. Best pals were Theseus and Pirithous. Commence on with the wedding night; attendance included other Thessalian princesses, the centaurs, and of course Theseus. Side note - the only reason that the centaurs were invited to the wedding was because they are cousins to Pirithous. The celebration continues, and alcohol is passed around, and the times are marry . . . until, the centaurs can no longer contain their beast like qualities, due to their alcohol intake, and plot to steal the grooms bride. Eurytus, full of liquor, was the centaur that tried to carry off the bride. A battle begins. A brawl with a centaur is called centauromachy. It was centaurs versus the wedding party. Theseus and Pirithous had no trouble warding off the animals. Victorious, they were. The fight now over and many centaurs wounded or dead; and this only strengthened the bond between the two best

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