Ivory Trade Research Paper

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With the high demand for ivory in electronics, art, and objects of decorative value, the number of elephants in the wild are diminishing drastically. Poachers take advantage of the poorly secured reserves to obtain the ivory. Elephants in wildlife reserves across sub- Saharan Africa and West Africa are being slaughtered to feed the lucrative and unjust business called the ivory trade. If nothing is done to bar the slaughter, or at least retard it, the elephants will pay the ultimate price, extinction. The boundaries that are in place to stop the poachers are having little to no affect at all. The groups of poachers are not to be underestimated. In November 2011, Celine Sissler- Bienvenu, a regional director for the U.S.-based International …show more content…

Greed and money controls the mindsets of those hunting the Elephants. Poachers do not worry about how many they kill. They do not understand the effects of their actions and what they are doing to the Elephant population. The slaughter could lead to the extinction of these creatures if the numbers of elephants taken is not trimmed down. CITES, the world's official organization standing between the slaughter, says that “in which Africa is said to have lost half its elephants, more than 600,000 in just those ten years[1980s}”(Christy). Wiped off the face of the earth in just ten years, half of the elephant population destroyed. Trying to imagine how much the population went down after thirty years is mind boggling. The urge to make more money drives the countless groups to hunt and kill until nothing is available to kill. Without older elephants there to breed they can not procreate and keep the population at a sustainable level. Elephants are not the only ones that are affected by the ivory trade. Many park rangers have lost their lives due to confrontations with poachers. The violent groups of criminals show no mercy when someone gets between them and money. One can understand why it would seem hard to find people willing to be park rangers. The International Union for Conservation of nature said that “Last year’s death toll has reached 102, with poachers and militia responsible for 69 of those …show more content…

Smugglers and poachers do not appear to be fazed by laws put in place to prevent the collection of ivory. Because of decline in number of animals who contain ivory, the buying and selling of it has been banned in many countries. Sales of elephant obtained ivory became illegal on ebay after a large slaughter of elephants in Chad. Poachers still find ways to get around the laws. A ban was introduced by CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) 1989. Smugglers found different ways to get past officers with ivory. One ivory smuggler explained a common way to smuggle ivory: “Wrap it in old, stinky underwear and pour ketchup on it. So it looks shitty with blood. This is how it is done”(Christy). No normal person would want to touch bloody and soiled underwear. That is the point of that smuggling practice. If people are going to actually be held accountable there needs to be trained people who know what they are looking for to catch the smugglers. The reward for the smugglers is well worth the risk. Some smuggler prefer to just take the risk and see if they can bribe a guard but if he fails then he will be sent to jail. Some groups trying to bar the trade of ivory result in burning stockpiles of ivory. In 2011 the born free foundation confirmed that “Kenya burned 4.8 tons of ivory seized by Lusaka Agreement Task Force in Singapore”(Born Free Foundation). Burning all that ivory keeps

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