Italian Job Essay

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The film I choose to write about along with its remake was the Italian Job. The Italian Job was filmed in 1969. The film was distributed by Paramount Films and was produced under Oakhurst Productions with just a budget of three million pounds. The film’s major stars are Michael Caine who plays the major character Charlie Croker and Benny Hill as a Professor Simon Peach and others and the soundtrack was created by Quincy Jones. The plot revolves around Croker a gangster, being released from prison after serving a two year sentence and getting a tip from a friend about a job. However, the friend, Roger Beckermann was killed by the Italian Mafia, but his daughter was still able to relay the information to Croker. The information contained details about four million dollars of Chinese gold in Italy, which Croker seeks to steal. Now having the details and desire to steal the gold, Croker decides to see mob boss Mr. Bridger played by Noël Coward. Mr. Croker at first hesitates and even has Croker beaten for breaking into the prison where Bridger is held to speak to him. But relents when he realizes that if the Croker succeeds this will increase his reputation and make him more powerful, especially against Italian influence. Croker gathers a ragtag group of thieves to commence the heist ranging from the best computer …show more content…

The crew are also joined by Bridger’s daughter, Stella Bridger, who is also a professional safe cracker and played by Charlize Theron. The group of thieves thus begin to organize a plan to steal back the gold from Steve. The group forms a sophisticated plan to steal the gold from Steve’s house and they are successful and avenge Bridger’s death by having the Ukrainian mob take Steve into custody for him killing one of their members. Thus, the movie ends on a good note with Stella and Croker forming a romantic

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