Islam's Impact On North America

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The religion of Islam all started with the Prophet Muhammad who received revelations from God through the Angel Gabriel. He used these revelations to compile the Quran, the Islamic sacred book. During the time period of 600-1450, Islam had a tremendous impact on its center, Mecca, and also the surrounding areas. As a result of Mecca’s geographical location as well as the strong Islamic military, Islam spread far and wide. However, Islam’s impact on the world didn’t stop after 1450. Even during the 21st century, Islam continues to have a huge impact on geographical regions all over the world. Islam has had an impact on North America with an increase of islamophobia and terrorist attacks, as well as in Central Africa with warring between different …show more content…

One of these regions is in North America, particularly in the United States. Since the devastating attack of 9/11, when the islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda hijacked four planes, there has been around fifty separate acts of deadly Islamic terror in the United States. These attacks have generated fear, or islamophobia, in many Americans. This fear has also translated to the politics of the United States. During the past year’s election, terrorist groups and nationally safety was a popular topic of debate. The current president, Donald Trump, has also attempted to instate a travel and immigration ban on countries with a large Muslim population. These countries include Iraq, Iran, Sudan, and Syria. The goal of this ban was to protect Americans from terrorist attacks. This shows just exactly how the religion of Islam has impacted North Africa. Sadly because of Islamic extremist groups, many people in North America have a fear of Muslims and Islam. However, most Muslims are peacefully, generous …show more content…

The Central African Republic is suffering from a great disaster, due to religious intolerance. The confrontation causing this unrest is between the Muslim group Seleka and the mainly Christian and animist group anti-Balaka. This conflict originally started due to political matters but has now progressively turned religious. In 2012, an armed organised rebel movement representing Muslims in the northeast of the country launched a major military offensive. Afterwards, the rebel group continued to have considerable control over the Central African Republic. The anti-Balaka group then started to fight Seleka forces in June 2013 by attacking Muslim civilians. This then caused the Seleka to retaliate by killing non-Muslims and Christians. The warring between these two religious groups have created immense amounts of unrest in the Central African Republic. However, this isn’t the only case. Islam has impacted many parts of Central Africa by creating religious intolerance between Islam and other religious groups like Christians. This religious intolerance has created a chapter of religious hatred. Thousands of civilians have lost their lives; villages have been burned to the ground and half-a-million civilians have been forced to leave their homes escaping from the fierce eye of blind faith. Of course, the religion of Islam isn’t the soul reason why these events

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