Isaac Newton's Accomplishments

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Isaac Newton is known to be the single-most influential scientist of the 17th century. He was born prematurely in 1642, in Woolsthorpe, England. Even from a young age he had shown great interest in formal education. However, his mother wanted him to become a farmer, his birthright. He did not succeed in this occupation, and went on to attend Trinity College in Cambridge in 1661. In 1665, the university was closed by the black plague, so Newton spent the long months at home studying physics, complex mathematics, and optics. This was the most fruitful period of his life, for this was when he made discoveries that would forever change the people’s understanding of the world. (Encyclopaedia Britannica) Isaac Newton has influenced the way people …show more content…

As Newton stayed locked up at home avoiding the plague, he made a spectacular discovery with the help of a crystal prism. He discovered that white light was heterogeneous and made up of many colors arranged into a spectrum. Newton also demonstrated that rather than modifying it, prisms separate white light. Unlike many of his other discoveries and developments, Newton’s work in the optics was made public. In 1704, he published a book analyzing the fundamental nature of light called Opticks: or A Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Light. According to Newton, the purpose of the Opticks was “not to explain the properties of light by hypotheses, but to propose and prove them by reason and experiments”. Isaac Newton’s theories in light were also very particulate. During the 17th century, many people believed that light consisted of a wave, similar to sound. However, Newton did not agree. Instead, he believed that since light travels in straight lines, light was composed of discrete particles moving in straight lines in the manner of inertial bodies. (Robert A. Hatch) In brief, Isaac Newton has influenced people’s understanding of the world with his discoveries in …show more content…

He has influenced people’s understanding of the world with his discoveries in optics with the help of a crystal prism, his developments in mathematics contributing to geometry, algebra, and calculus, and his discoveries in physical science, including the law of universal gravitation and three laws of motion. Apart from his fantastic discoveries, however, Newton was an especially interesting person. He was born on Christmas day, but that was before England had adopted the Gregorian calendar. Now, Newton is recognized as being born on January 4. Newton was also not expected to survive as a child, for he was born premature, and could fit inside a quart cup. As well as this, the apple theory that Newton is often associated with did not happen. Not as the legend goes, at least. The misconception many believe is Isaac Newton sitting under a tree and contemplating life, when an apple strikes him on the head, causing him to wonder about the force now known as gravity. According to Newton himself, he was looking out a window when he saw an apple fall to the ground. Isaac Newton was also a stutterer, along with many other influential people such as Aristotle, Winston Churchill, and Charles Darwin. Newton was a member of parliament for a year, too. He only spoke up once, however, to tell someone to close a window. Newton also was known for eccentric behavior. This was most

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