Isaac Newton Research Paper

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Isaac Newton was an influential physicist and mathematician in history because he made discoveries in mathematics, physics, optics, and chemistry in the country of England and changed the history of science by laying down foundations for modern sciences during the time period of the 17th century. He discovered calculus, Newton’s three laws of motions, the theory of gravity, and the spectrum of colors. He also formulated a system of chemistry.
Newton was born on January 4, 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. His father, a local farmer, died three month before his birth. When Newton was three years old, his mother remarried and left him to live with his grandmother. As a child, Newton attended King’s School in Grantham, Lincolnshire …show more content…

Newton’s talent in mathematics was recognized by the community when he was very young. He laid foundation for calculus. Two years later, he returned to Cambridge as a minor fellow and received a Master of Arts degree in 1669. He was most famous for discovering the motions of objects known as Newton’s three laws of motion: the First Law was that all objects at rest stay at rest and all objects in motion stay in motion; The Second Law was that force equals mass times acceleration; The Third Law was for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In 1687, he published the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, known as Principia, which offers descriptions of bodies in motion. It became the most influential book in history of science. The publication of the Principia also made Newton a world recognized scientist. When he was sitting under an apple tree, he observed an apple falling on his head which led to his discovery of the theory of gravity. He discovered that sunlight going through a prism can be separated to the spectrum of seven colors which led to his discovery in optics: white light was composite of all colors on the spectrum. Based on his theory of lights, Newton designed and constructed a reflecting telescope as his first major public scientific achievement. In 1704, Newton published the Optics which included two minor works: …show more content…

He was extremely sensitive to criticism from other scientist, such as Robert Hooke. He couldn’t handle the critiques and suffered a complete nervous breakdown in 1678. He became more isolated after his mother’s death in 1679. Newton never got married or made any close friends. He lived in Cranbury Park in England with his niece and her husband at the end of his life. He started to suffer from digestion problems and had to change his diet when he was in his 80’s. On March 30, 1727, he suffered serious pain in his abdomen, blacked out, and never regained consciousness. He died on the next day March 31, 1727 at the age of

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