Is Wall Street Responsible For The Financial Crisis Essay

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Is Wall Street responsible for the Financial Crisis? Corruption is rampant in our government. Many congressman and legislators are paid by Wall Street to help them deregulate the financial sector. The deregulation helps the big banks and investment houses make bigger profits, but hurts the little guys, the American people. The cause of the financial crisis can be traced back to this corruption in the banks and government that deregulated the banking industry and allowed risky practices on Wall Street that eventually hurt the American people and economy. Deregulation on Wall Street is mainly due to the corruption that can be found in the banks and our government. Numerous Senators in Congress have received large sums for their campaigns by Wall …show more content…

Without giving the banks more freedom in their investment practices, the financial crisis could have most likely been avoided. Their risky actions with the American people's’ money would have stopped before it started. However, through significant lobbying and corruption, Wall Street was able to gain more freedom in the financial markets. “Congress also passed legislation that… clarified that certain kinds of financial instruments were not regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission” (Gattuso, James L.). One of the financial instruments that were clarified to not be regulated were “credit default swaps,” which were one of the main instruments used by the banks that caused the crisis. It would be common sense to have all financial instruments under regulation so that risky practices can be controlled, but it seems legislation avoided common sense. “The Federal Reserve reports five major rule makings in the database since 1996—four of which were deregulatory. (Gattuso, James L.). A majority of this agencies’ rule changes were deregulatory, with any one of the changes giving the big banks a loophole or shortcut that makes them even more profitable. It seems like there is this pattern of deregulation leading up to the financial crisis. A pattern of more and more money pumped into political campaigns, more and more freedom on Wall Street, and eventually, the American people and its economy

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