Is The World State A Good Place To Live

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Is the World State a good place to live? The book ⟪Brave New World⟫, written by Aldous Huxley, describes a utopian society which seems to be stable, identical and communal. Citizens living in this society are all produced by Bokanovsky’s Process and are divided into Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon groups. The author satirizes the society by comparing the definition of a utopia and a dystopia which can both be found in the World State. This essay will argue that the World State is a good place to live. The argument is found upon the three satisfying situations that caste system avoids social struggles; soma provides humans with a way to relax and complete openness to sex makes the World State in order. First of all, caste system in …show more content…

When the citizens are satisfied with their food and clothing, they start to find a way to meet human beings’ spiritual demands. The directors in the World State discover that after satisfying all those needs, especially the stimulation of sex, the majority will be glad with the present situation and stop seeking to change. They will be more dependent on this society and more likely to reject the change of the society. “Family, monogamy, romance. Everywhere exclusiveness, everywhere focusing an interest, a narrow channeling of impulse and energy. ‘But everyone belongs to everyone else,’ he concluded, citing the hypnopaedic proverb. The students nodded, emphatically agreeing with a statement which upwards of sixty-two thousand repetitions in the dark had made them accept, not merely as true, but as axiomatic, self-evident, utterly indisputable.” (p34) From this sentence, it is easy to understand the connection between the stability of a society and promiscuity. Meanwhile, with the method of Bokanovsky’s process, the government also avoids the problem of accepting too many new-borns. Since the responsibility and emotional burden of reproducing and breeding are completely removed, every single person living in the World State can devote himself to the gratification of sexual desires without any hesitation. When such believers are strong enough, the power of dissent will be increasingly weak and uncomprehending. Eliminating dissidents from society at this time would have no serious consequences. This is also the malevolent aspect of this approach because citizens will not be sympathetic to those who try to pull themselves out from the endless pleasure. Therefore, the society forms. People who have the same thought on sex live together and make the society stable

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