Is The American Dream Still Possible Analysis

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In America many Americans face struggles with money, which makes it harder to achieve the American dream. In the story “Is The American Dream Still Possible” by David Wallechinsky is about the financial problems Americans face. In Wallechinsky story, he stated “many Americans are struggling squeezed by rising cost, declining wages, credit card debt and diminished benefits with little left to save for retirement.” This quote supports that money is a major problem in the average American’s life. Also in the article “Is the American dream a Myth?” by Ronald Brownstein, talks about how income is a crucial to the American dream. In paragraph 10 Brownstein says “ That less progress has been made in developing programs that effectively prepare lower-income students to apply for college.” In this quote it helps to see that if you have a lower income it’s harder to get into a college and if that dream has to come with education money is a big problem. The American dream is harder to achieve if money gets you through life,
Secondly, the American dream isn’t just handed out it takes sacrifice and hard work to achieve it. In the narrative …show more content…

In the essay “ The Right to Fail” by William K. Zinsser , is about people been judged when failing.Zinsser stated “ a boy or girl who leaves college is branded a failure and the right to fail is one of the few freedoms that this country does not grant citizens.” When you fail trying to reach your goal , society labels you as a failure as an unarchiver. Also in “The Right to Fail”by William K. Zinsser, he says ‘ happiness goes to the man who has the sweet smell of achievement he is our national idol and everybody else is our national fink.” Many Americans get knocked down if they don't have a degree ,a big house or a lot of money. With the other Americans who are “our national finks”, they are trying to pursue there

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