Is Society Over Regulated Essay

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Is society being over regulated?

People like to joke about stupid laws that exist and laws that don't apply to society anymore. For example a florida law requires vending machine labels and urge the public to file a report if the label isn't there. Another being a michigan law stating It is legal for a robber to file a lawsuit, if he or she got hurt in your house. The list goes on endlessly. In our land of the brave, we have a lot of regulations and laws. Not all of which are still enforced or even known by the general public. Regulations affect the economy by putting rules on big businesses creating less jobs and production. Regulations also affect our taxes and how much the government takes from us.

The lawmaking process and The repeal for those laws is a long process. A law always starts out an idea. An elected representative writes the bill with all the details. The representative talks to other elected officials looking for support. When the bill has a sponsor and support its ready to be introduced. In the house of representatives the bill is placed in the hopper. (The small box on the clerk's desk) The clerk gives it number starting with H.R. The bill goes to a committee and gets approved or shot down. After it gets reported and debated on. The house votes and if its over …show more content…

The lower class should be given tools to escape that dependency instead of letting the government take care of their issues. We already pay enough income tax, sales tax, property tax, Luxury tax and sin tax. If we don't do anything about it the government could raise taxes or create so many laws we would all be

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