Is Physician Assisted Suicide Ethically Wrong

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Imagine being a vegetable. Imagine not being able to drive, dress yourself, or even go to the bathroom by yourself. Imagine being a burden to those around you, feeling like death is the only escape. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide permit patients to take their life with medical help. Euthanasia is the direct act of any medical authority causing death to a patient by lethal injection. Physician-assisted suicide consists of medical authority giving a patient lethal drugs that help the person commit suicide on their own (Marker). These deadly methods attract an abundance amount of criticism for the person or group that gives the injection or drugs. The American Nursing Association made an oath stating, “A nurse must not act deliberately to end a person’s life,” which creates hypocrisy among the nurses and other medical professionals, should they perform euthanasia (Sullivan). The idea of physicians …show more content…

Other experts believe euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are acceptable, considering that the patient who wishes to be killed is providing consent and is killed painlessly. However, allowing these killings to be performed on any person who desires it would be an improper use of these medical services. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide should not be allowed in the United States because they attack the oldest cohort, are inhumane, and violate the social contract of medically trained professionals.
Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are seen as an attack on the oldest cohort, which includes people age 85 and older. In the United States, the oldest cohort is the fastest increasing cohort due to medical advances in previous years (Osgood). Because of recent groundbreaking technology, life

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