Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood

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Modern culture is ruining childhood

We’re living in modern world. It gives us so many new things and one of them is the modern culture. Many people say that today’s culture is ruining our kid’s childhood. The communication occur most of the time only through internet, in addition our kids are using too much electronics. So the question is: is modern culture ruining childhood? The communication is not the same as before, because of social network, which makes it easier to chat with other people without leaving a house. Such as Facebook and Whatsapp. Instead of meeting each other in public, kids choose just to write a message or call. Today, kids have forgotten what it is to play a catch or another outdoor activity, because of the electronics that they are using. For example, kids prefer playing video games like Halo or Call of Duty, watching TV or just being on social network, instead of going playing on the playground or in some other place with other kids.

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