Is Macbeth Inherently Evil

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The story about Macbeth was written by Shakespeare and was considered a heroic tragedy. Macbeth had a very tragic flaw which was the ambition for power. This was the main dispute for Macbeth leading him to his evil deeds. Many people can’t decide if man is inherently good or if man is inherently evil. I believe man is born inherently good and is changed by the environment. In Macbeth, Macbeth’s surroundings and the people he encountered affected him tremendously. Macbeth was a man who was good until he was given the witches’ prophecy. The weird sisters, or the witches were pretty much the opposite of good. The witches said, “Fair is foul and foul is fair”. (I.I.12) Which means good person can be bad and bad person can sometimes be good. Macbeth’s …show more content…

The baby can’t harm anyone until he is raised by his parents. The people that the baby grows up with will affect how they turn out in life. If the people taught the child to be good, he will grow up to be good. Same thing around, if people taught evil then they will grow up to be evil. Macbeth is considered a tragic hero in Macbeth. Macbeth is a hero with good and bad in him. Which we all have good and bad in us, but what we express is the true dominance. William Bennett said “Good and evil have never gone away; we merely had the luxury to question their existence.” (Bennett) Macbeth started off being a good person until the witches’ prophecy. In Macbeth, Macbeth started off as a hero who fought in battle and won. He was a heroic soldier leading him to rewards from king Duncan. The biggest influence of evil on Macbeth was his wife, Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth was introduced in the story as a cold hearted person. Shakespeare made it sound like Lady Macbeth was soulless and was more of a man then Macbeth. When Macbeth was the host for Duncan the plan was to kill the king in his sleep. Macbeth was fighting himself emotionally, if he could go on with the plan. Lady Macbeth said “Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o’ the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way.” (I.V. 16-18) This verse said that Lady Macbeth believed that Macbeth wasn’t evil enough to do the things the prophecy said. She didn’t believe …show more content…

Shakespeare was known for writing great tragedies. He also wrote about Julius Caesar and how power affected him. (Caesar) Macbeth and Caesar both had power that lead to their deaths. Also they both were considered tyrants by people. Malcolm and many others called Macbeth a tyrant in Macbeth. For example, Malcom said to Macduff “I think our country sinks beneath the yoke; It weeps, it bleeds; and each new day a gash, is added to her wounds...” (IV.III. 40-42) The urge for power can affect your behavior. A modern example could be a bully trying to be superior to a kid. The bully here is acting bad and is considered evil by the good child minding his business. Many people want to feel superior and have power. The ways they try to achieve this so called power can lead them to evil. Macbeth wanted power and didn’t care about any one that came in his way. For example, when his wife died in Act 5 he didn’t really care much because he was fighting for the

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