Is Johnny Cade A Hero

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Hercules of Alcides, Odysseus of Ithaca, and Achilles of Troy, They are the heroes of legend. Each one has their own unique stories. Each one undeniably heros. So what makes them heroes? Can Johnny boy join the ranks of men like Hercules? After one examines the evidence Johnny Cade is certainly a hero. Not only does he follow Joseph Campbell’s “hero’s journey” model, but he acts to serve the greater good. All while consistently helping out for others. So if one follows Johnny’s journey they to will undoubtedly call him hero.

In 1949 Joseph Campbell published his book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”. Here Campbell establishes that there are recurring themes in all heroic adventures, whether it be Percy Jackson or Homer’s Odyssey. …show more content…

Throughout the book Johnny makes decisions that shape the future of the better. A prime example of this is when Johnny tells Dallas to bugger off at the drive in theater. In doing this Johnny stops a confrontation that would have hurt not only the people directly involved but also further damage Greaser-Soc’s relations. He does this knowing that there is a great personal risk, whether it be a physical altercation with his fellow gang member or even a more permanent distancing from Dallas and potentially other gang members. Furthermore, when the Socs corner Johnny and Ponyboy in the park, Johnny tells Pony “Wanna run for it?” In doing this Johnny shows that he's willing to flee even though it may damage his Greaser pride. This is Johnny showing us that he's willing to purposely be seen as un-tough in order to not further harm the Greaser-Soc’s relations. After clearly seeing Johnny think of the greater good before he thinks of himself more than just once it is apparent that Johnny is indeed a …show more content…

Johnny’s part in The Outsiders definitely shows us that he is a hero. As soon as we meet Johnny he’s coming to Ponyboy’s rescue alongside the rest of the gang. That’s not all, again Johnny showcases his heroism when he kills Bob. When his friend Ponyboy's is in need Johnny doesn't give a second thought when he kills someone to save his friend. When one kills another it takes something, and in it’s place a scar is left. So if Johnny is able to make that decision- to be the one to take a life to save another, how is he not a hero. But this hero doesn't stop there. Johnny volunteers himself to get the supplies in town while he and Pony hide in the abandoned church. Johnny knows full well that he is the one police will be looking for murder, yet he chooses to go to town to make sure Pony stays safe. That selflessness is what truly makes Johnny a hero. Again, Johnny shows us another selfless act in the burning inferno that is the church fire. Johnny enters the church right behind Pony. “I hadn't realized Johnny had been right behind me all the way.” Which first shows us that he gives to hesitation to go into a burning building to save others. But not only this but he is the last to leave making sure everyone gets out fine. Johnny is the last one out and all the kids and Dally get out before the building collapses. That means Johnny waits in a burning building to make sure and Dallas as well as multiple complete stranger children

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