Is Hector A Hero

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Hector of Troy was son of King Priam, and general of the Trojan army in Homer’s epic poem, The Iliad. Some may call Hector a villain for the massive death toll he caused during the war, but they don’t understand that these deaths were necessary in order for the country he loves to continue to stand. He was a fair general who led by example, and not with senseless commands. He wasn’t shy on the battlefield either, he fought intensely for the cause he supported so dearly in his heart (Zimmerman 38). His qualities both physically and mentally represent how he is devoted to the victory of his people, and not to the glory of war. Hector may have been Troy’s most valuable warrior, and therefore a hero to the country. Hector’s devotion towards …show more content…

He is willing to die at anytime if it meant dying for his country. This is truly a heroic mindset that led Hector to his prestigious status as a warrior. In, Triumph of a Hero: Greek and Roman Myths, Tony Allan and Piers Vitebsky state, “By killing Patroclus he became the target of Achilles’ murderous wrath” (95). After Hector discovers that it was Patroclus in the armor, not Achilles, he knew that he would be the one and only target of the most powerful soldier on the entire battlefield. Hector personally waits outside the gates of Troy to face Achilles in one final battle (“Hector”). By accepting the challenge of facing a semi-immortal soldier one on one, we see the sheer bravery that Hector has within himself. A hero is traditionally known to be incredibly brave, and this is probably the best way Hector could’ve proven his bravery, to not only his men and the Gods, but to all of Troy and Greece. In the Encyclopedia Britannica, it’s said, “Priam, guarded by Hermes, went to Achilles and prevailed on him to give back the body, which was buried with great honour. Hector was afterward worshipped in the Troad and also at Tanagra, east of Thebes” (“Hector”). If a person was truly important and left a significant impact on the lives of many people, then they’d surely not be forgotten even after their death. This is shown after the death of Hector. Hector must’ve been a great prince and general to

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