Is College Education Worth It Essay

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Is a college education worth it ? there are many advantages in furthering your education.For example if you attend university or college you will get more job offers,and you will also get paid more money.College pepares you for real life more than high school does. College is definitely worth it for many other reasons as well. A college degree is a very useful in the workplace. Especially a professional workplace. College education is definitely worth it.”college education attract higher paying jobs”(Henry Bienan , PHD).”college results in greater productivity,also it would help the crime rate go down(PROCON.ORG). In some articles it stated that college is not useful and a college degree wouldn't be worth it.However in some cases to be published in an article such as this one you would have to have a college degree. This author actually had a PHD in the credentials in the beginning of the article. This is a bit hypocritical. Yes college is and can be very expensive at times. Yes,it is true that many cannot afford it. Also you might need student loans and it might take a while for you to pay them off but that could change very easily. If college was that important why doesn't everyone get to attend college.”40.2 college students reported feeling frequently overwhelmed in a 2012 survey about stress levels.”(Is college …show more content…

Getting a high paying job is usually a result of obtaining a college degree before hand.College leads to stress however highschool students are felling “overwhelmed” on a daily basis. However they would only feel stress during that time of the year. Stress can easily removed after a break, for example summer is a very long break and most students don't take classes in the summer. Therefore there is nothing to be stressed about. When you finish college and obtain your degree you have reached a “Major life

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