Is Animal Testing Good Or Bad

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Animal Experimentation Teenage gothic makeup bunnies! Animal experimentation is well known throughout society because big companies test beauty products such as makeup and etc. In this project i will be going through the facts of Animal Experimentation. And over how people have different opinions on it such as peta and big companies. The definition of Animal Experimentation is: Animal testing, also known as Animal Experimentation, animal research and in vivo testing is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study. Animal experimentation is what companies usually do to test a product. They would rather test on animals than humans to ensure the safety of the humans. Groups like Peta disapprove greatly because they want to ensure the animals are safe. Their organization Stand up for animal rights and wants to point out they aren’t objects they’re living breathing things just like us. Animal experimentations has been going on since the 1700’s to test beauty products and other cosmetics. People who get tested on usually get paid a lot so honestly thats a score. But on the other hand Peta says “ Right now.. Millions of Rats, Mice, Rabbits, Primates, Cats, Dogs are locked in barren cages in laboratories across the country. They languish in …show more content…

But Peta disagrees they don’t want the animals harmed at all they don’t want them to live in a cage their whole life sad and scared. In a way that makes it controversial because of the two opposing views on it. But there is most likely many other views on the topic but those two are the ones that stick out to many people. But would you rather be harmed or old sick animals thats are about to die anyway?(Gale). In a way man believe peta's protectiveness over animals is a tad bit excessive. But in a way the ones testing products are

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