Is America Really the Home of the Free?

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What about Freedom for All? The most common phrase in America today is “Home of the Free”. When America first started out in the Colonies the above quote was probably very true. As time has passed through the centuries, America has felt the need to regulate and reduce the freedom that our founding fathers had intentionally planned for us. Such things as religion, reproductive rights, Native Americans and their rights, and marriage rights are being marginalized. These rights could be considered private matters that the government shouldn’t get involved with and probably rightly so. Kids, in elementary school and middle school especially, are constantly being bombarded with propaganda. People love to push things on other people because, Heaven forbid, someone disagrees with them. One particular issue is religion and the role it plays in schools. Some teachers and parents are completely against any religious activity at their child’s school and other teachers and parents want everything to do with religion in schools. A big part of the debate includes the Establishment Clause of the 1st amendment and the 1st amendment itself. In 1971, in the Lemon v. Kurtzman Supreme Court hearing, it was decided that there are three questions that need to be answered to decide if something goes against the Establishment clause; is there or will there ever have a secular purpose, does it advance or inhibit religion, and does it require the government to get involved with religion. (Marshall 128) This seems pretty straight forward. It makes sure that the government is protecting American’s freedom of religion and keeps the government out as much as possible. Then in 1973 in Miller v. California it was held that the 1st amendment doesn’t ... ... middle of paper ... ...r any religious book into the government’s laws. DOMA could be seen as a religious act to prohibit homosexuals the right to marry. Who can think of any reason besides religion why two men can’t get married? Then again, maybe there is an answer of why they can’t get married and why DOMA hasn’t come down under separation of church and state. Growing up each child has a different relationship with their parents. The mother, no matter how feminine or not, nurtures their child and cares deeply for them. The Dad, no matter how masculine or not, fights to protect their child from the nasty people in the world. Without either role a child could become more hardened, with no one to nurture or no one to protect them. People are entitled to their opinions and however one feels will determine if the impact of DOMA and what has since happened is a great one or a horrible one.

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