Iron Jawed Angels Movie

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The first film I chose was Iron Jawed Angels directed by Katja von Garnier. This movie illustrates the struggle and determination of the women’s suffragette movement of the early 1900’s. The movie highlights the work of a key suffragette, Alice Paul. Alice Paul is a key women in the feminist movement. The women featured in this movie are the women who gained us the right to vote. I think this movie is important for women now to see. Women in today’s society can easily forget the immense struggle these suffragettes went through. The primary message of this movie was to show the injustices women went through in 1920’s and their story of overcoming these struggles. The second film I chose was The Long Walk Home directed by Richard Pearce. I chose this movie because it highlights the struggles not only faced by women but women of color. This movie focuses on a white family and a black family. This film is also unique because it shows the struggle many women of color had to face not only fighting for their gender but their race as well. This movie is important to me because it shows a white women letting go of the prejudices she held and standing up for what is right. Being a white women myself, this movie is a good reminder that because I am white, I am in a place of privilege. This film shows that when in a place of privilege you should …show more content…

This work describes the importance of collaboration. It describes how an individual can easily be taken advantage of, but when people join together they can benefit from each other. This poem especially stuck out to me because it reminded me of the Women’s March that happened in January. At the march thousands of people who had different religions, social classes, ages, gender, and race. Despite everything that differentiated these people, they joined together for a common belief. This poem highlights that theme of collaboration that was illustrated in the Women's

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