Investigation Into the Effect of Temperature On the Rate of Respiration of Yeast

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Investigation Into the Effect of Temperature On the Rate of Respiration of Yeast Preliminary Work For my preliminary work, I am working with 35ml of yeast. I think that this is the best volume to use as it is about ¾ of a test tube full, and it allows for the yeasts expansion when heated. I am trying to find out the best range of temperatures to be used in finding out the respiration of the yeast, and I am also trying to find an equilibration time that can be used in the main experiment, as the time taken for the yeast to heat up to the desired temperature. Apparatus - One beaker - Two test tubes - Delivery tube with bung - Yeast (35ml) - Water - Stopwatch - Thermometer - 35ml syringe Method 1. A beaker was filled with water then heated to the desired temperature. 2. A test tube was then filled with 35ml of yeast and placed in the beaker of water. 3. The time taken for the yeast to heat up to the temperature of the water in the beaker was then measured using a stopwatch and thermometer. 4. A delivery tube with a bung was then placed into the test tube of yeast, with the bung end of the tube going into the test tube of yeast. 5. A second test tube was then filled with water and placed in a test tube rack. 6. The other end of the delivery tube was then placed into this second test tube. 7. The number of bubbles coming out of the delivery tube into the second tube per minute was then measured. Results – Equilibration time to be used = 4 minutes Temperature (oC) No. of Bubbles per min Equilibration Times 30 55 2 mins 3 secs 40 43 2 mins 36 secs 50

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