Investigating the Solubility of Table Salt in Distilled Water at Different Temperatures

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Investigating the Solubility of Table Salt in Distilled Water at Different Temperatures

The aim of this essay is to explain and discuss the drug cannabis and

its effects in relation to biochemical, behavioural and psychological

factors. The introduction will outline a brief history relating to

the drug and include both the medicinal and recreational purposes of

its use. The main discussion will explain how the drug chemistry

affects the nervous system emphasising what neurotransmitter is

effected and also what behavioural and psychological implications this

has on the user. Finally I will conclude by summarising the main

points of the discussion outlining both the long and short term

overall effects of cannabis, evaluating what the relative costs and

benefits are to the user.

Cannabis, commonly known as Marijuana is a member of the Cannabinaceae

originating from the hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa). It is described

as a naturally grown erect, bushy herb plant with saw toothed leaves

and fluted stalks ranging in height from three feet to twenty five

feet approximately. Cannabis is available in three main forms, as a

dried herb (usually known as grass), as a resin (usually known as hash

or hashish) that is extracted from the buds and flower heads and as a

sticky liquid (hash oil) which is prepared from the resin.

The exact origins of cannabis have never been clearly defined; however

the wild version is believed to have originated in Central Asia.

Historians believe that it was one of the first crops to be cultivated

by man for its fibre, and the ancient Chinese are believed to have


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...strate positive and significant harmful effects in man

attributable solely to the use of cannabis” (ACDM 1981)


A Brief History of Cannabis -


A Cannabis Chronology -


Cannabis Information Network -

POTOLOGY - Lifeline Publications (2000)

(Dr Nukes guide to the Science of Cannibis

& the Sociology of getting stoned)

Short term/long term affects -


STREET DRUGS - Andrew Tyler

(The facts explained. The myths exploded)

(The drug workers bible)

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