Investigating the Changes that Occur Within Capulet in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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Investigating the Changes that Occur Within Capulet in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet From analysing Romeo and Juliet as an audience I have seen Capulet in many different ways. I have seen him as the caring father, the ruler and the person in charge. In some scenes as an audience I have been quite sympathetic towards Capulet but then in other scenes I have felt that he has been rather harsh to members of his family and other characters in the play. From looking at Act 1 Scene 1 I saw that Capulet was a very irresponsible character. When he saw that there was a brawl between the Capulet’s and the Montague’s, he wanted to get involved. His wife, Lady Capulet, told him that it was the wrong thing to do but he dismissed this. So from the first scene, it has already made us aware, that he has control over the family and that he does not like to be told what to do. This scene links with scene 5 because again Tybalt questions his authority and he becomes very angry with him and says some very rude, arrogant things, in his concealing conversation with him. The other side of Capulet, which we as audience see is his caring, considerate side. He shows us this in a variety of scenes. The first time that this side of his character is illustrated is in Act 1 scene 1. He is willing to lose a good, kind, considerate husband for her daughter because of her happiness. This portrays to us that he is willing to put his daughters feelings first, although it may mean losing an eligible husband for her daughter. This is also shown in a similar way in Act 1 scene 5 at his ‘old accustomed feast’. In this scene he acts very warm and hospitable towards his guests. In this scene he shows fairness

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