Investigating Two Types of Communication Systems in School

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Investigating Two Types of Communication Systems in School

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In my coursework I am going to investigating two types of

communications systems in the school. These two communications systems

are internal communication and external communications. Internal

communication in school takes place between the teachers, parents and

pupils etc.(people in the school).. External communication in the

school takes place between the schools and organizations outside of

the school.

The aim of this report is to find out about the communication systems

in the school. Once I have found out about the different

communications systems I will look at how to improve them.

There are many objectives that Myton School has. One objective is Mr

Hecks (Head Teacher) believes in is the education in the school .I

know this because he said 'the education of the children is of the

utmost importance'. Another objective of the school is to have a good

reputation so more children will come to the school. A second

objective is to keep the school running smoothly. This is done by a

staff meeting held every Wednesday to make sure everything is running

smoothly. Another objective is to collect information such as personal

details about the staff and pupils.

The school needs good communication so people can pass information

between others so the school can run smoothly. Information is pass to

pupils by the teachers through the assemblies, the school bulletin and

the Myton messenger. The school also needs good communication to clear

up problems. This is done by parents been able to phone into the



To collect information for my coursework I could use desk research is

also known as secondary research. I could write letters speak to

people, face to face, use telephones, send emails and send a fax. Desk

research uses a wide range of sources on the Internet. An advantage of

desk research is it's free and already available. To assess the

research you need to find the relevant information, which already

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