Invading Ukraine Dbq

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Fighting and air strikes have inflicted over 30,000 civilian casualties, while 3.7 million people are internally displaced, and 6.5 million have fled Ukraine. Russia invaded Ukraine on February 22, 2022. The question I’m answering today is, why, why is Russia invading Ukraine? Russia is invading Ukraine for four reasons, Putin wants to regather Russia to immortalize his legacy, Putin knows that the international community will not stop him, he wants to restore the greatness of Russia and he wants a redo of the Cold War. Putin wants to establish his legacy in the history of the world. He wants to be remembered as a historically powerful leader. He grew to power very quickly and is currently 71 years old. He will stay in power for the rest of …show more content…

And what had been built up over 1,000 years was largely lost” (Document 4). He wants to restore the power that Russia used to have and will go to any means to achieve that very task, which includes invading other countries to gain land and control. He wants to restore the greatness of Russia on a global scale, as Russia is no longer the superpower it was in the Cold War. Putin knows he can get away with invading Ukraine. Russia is a nuclear armed country, the most nuclear armed country, with 5,889 nuclear nukes. Compared to the USA which has 5,244. The Federation of American Scientists, mentions in Document 7, “In speeches about the invasion of Ukraine, Putin has hinted at his willingness to use nuclear weapons.” Putin very much knows that he has the power to destroy a country at the push of a button. This means that the international community does not want to directly fight him, because they are scared. He could destroy a country if he is given a reason. NATO doesn’t want to give him a reason to start a war, meaning there is nobody that will stop him from invading Ukraine or any other country not a part of

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