Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

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In Jon Krakauer’s book “Into the Wild”, Krakauer describes the travels of Chris McCandless, a young man, who travels alone into the Alaskan wilderness. Krakauer details Chris’s painful demise from starvation was at the age of 24 in an abandoned bus deep in Alaska. According to Krakauer, Chris McCandless left for Alaska because he was seeking refuge from his betrayal by his father. Chris was searching for truth; something he could believe in after he had found out his dad led a double life; one with Chris and his mother and another with another woman and another son. It seems McCandless was looking to test himself; to prove he could survive in the wild without society, but mostly without his father’s help. Chris was searching for something, Independence. During Chris journey to Alaska, he found what he was looking for an escape but also found his identity. During his final days in the bus, Chris’s mindset changed; he determined he needed people. Some say Chris was foolish but he was a smart kid in unfortunate circumstances. He was normal in High School. Very involved with people on cross-country team. Chris was a captain on the team and a very intense captain. The guys on the team really loved chris and how exciting his runs were. Chris would purposefully try and get the running team lost and have to run back to somewhere familiar to find there way back home. Chris wanted to seek refuge from his home because of what he found out about his father. After Chris’s sophomore year of college at Emory University, during the summer he went on his usual cross-country wanderings. He went to California to visit the El Segundo neighborhood where he'd spent the first six years of his life. He called a lot of old family friends who still liv... ... middle of paper ... final days of life. He wrote in the book of Doctor Zhivago, the last book he would ever read: “Happiness only real when shared.” His mindset changed a lot from when he began his journey. Chris sent letter saying something completely different from his writings in the book. Chris sent to his close elderly friend, Ronald Franz, a few months before his death, “You are wrong if you think Joy emanates only or principally from human relationships.” Chris changed in the end. It might not have been what Chris originally had in mind but it might have been a healthy change if Chris had lived. At the start of Chris’s journey he only wanted to be called by Alexander Supertramp, not Chris McCandless. He goes by Alex for about two years, but a few days before he died, he goes by Christopher McCandless, as if he has finally come to peace with his family and people around him.

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