Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

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Story Narrative "Christopher McCandless (Alex/ Chris) graduates from Emory University and he went on a road trip. Then he decided to leave his family forever. " A truck driver name Jim Gallien- an electrician- picked up Alex- a hitchhiker- his real name is Christopher Johnson McCandless). The hitchhiker says he is from South Dakota and requests a ride to Denali National Park. Gallien sees Alex as an intelligent young boy that lacks the necessities for surviving in Alaska. Chris took his yellow Datsun car to Nevada. He donated all his money in the bank to a hunger charity. Then the author skipped to early September in 1992. Five strangers found a bus by a river near the Alaska’s Stampede Trial. The Anchorage couple noticed a bad smell and read Alex’s S.O.S. note. Then a hiker named Gordon Samel discovered Alex’s dead body. They called the police and starvation was recorded as Alex’s cause of death. Then Chris abandoned his car because of a flood. So later on he is now walking on foot. Chris also decided to burn all of his money and buried his belongings. "Then two months later, Wayne Westerberg knew about Alex’s death. Wayne then thinks about the time he met Alex. He picked up Alex in Montana (1990). Alex stayed with Westerberg for three days and Westerberg helped Alex with his jobs. Alex worked for Westerberg. However, later Wsterberg was arrested for stealing. Alex gave Westerberg a book before he got arrested. After many incidents, Westerberg learned more about Alex’s real life. Then the author described Alex’s real life as a boy from Annandale, Virginia. Alex or Christopher McCandless has a younger sister, Carine; a NASA engineer father and a mother. The author stated that McCandless ledt because he found out about his father’... ... middle of paper ... ...hris posted a sign for help in front of the bus where later hikers and hunters found his dead body. "On July 8, 1992, McCandless returns to the bus. He gathered edible berries and wild potatoes, but he is burning more calories than he consumes. He reads Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich and finishes Boris Pasternak's Doctor Zhivago. Chris realises that "HAPPINESS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED.” Chris is starving and knows that he will be dead. The author also discussed about the causes of Chris’s death. Westerberg suggests that Chris at toxic potato seeds that can be toxic once they sprouted. However, he didn’t ate much so this shouldn’t be the reason. So the author stated that Chris might be confused with the wild potato and the toxic wild sweet pea. The author also suggests that Chris could be poisoned by moles on the seeds. At the end Chris wrote his last journal entry."

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