Into The Great Wide Open Analysis

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Into the Great Wide Open How would one feel if they waited to graduate so they could go to Hollywood for a musical career and realize it's a total flunk? Eddie moving to Hollywood right after high school has dreams of making it big, pursue a career in music, and be able to do i for the rest of his life but, it changed on him pretty quick that maybe a music career is not the career for him. “Into the Great Wide Open” details the rise and fall of a man named Eddie , a young man with dreams of stardom. It all started out with a young kid that just graduated high school and wanted to pursue a music career. He decided it would be a good idea to get a tattoo if he's going to be a musician so he got one He then found a girl that had a tattoo to and they started dating. Not to late after they started dating they found a place they both could afford and they moved in together. After that he got a job as a bouncer outside of a club. Eddie was going to be a musician so it would be good if he knew how to play guitar and his girlfriend knew how to play, so she taught him a few chords on the guitar and he somehow caught on how to play guitar really quick when with most people it takes years to learn …show more content…

Eddie's tone at first was upbeat and positive, not only because he's becoming a success in the music career but also because he’s living his dream. He’s doing what he wanted to do for a while, so he is positive that he actually doing it and living his dream. But towards the end of the poem, he's not to upbeat, positive and happy anymore. He started partying and hanging out with famous people and forgot what he was actually in Hollywood for. His tone after that was negative and confused because after all that partying and stuff, the A&R man said the he doesn't hear a single and that's when Eddie started to realize that, the music career was not his career

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