Interpretation Of The Cast Of Amontillado

797 Words2 Pages

Dettrick McChristian
Barbra Jones
English 1302
11 April 2014
E2, Analysis
The Cast of Amontillado
“A succession of loud and shrill screams, bursting suddenly from the throat of the chained form, seemed to thrust me violently back. For a brief moment I hesitated -- I trembled. Unsheathing my rapier, I began to grope with it about the recess; but the thought of an instant reassured me.” This was one of the many famous quotes from one of the most powerful short stories of all time, The Caste of Amontillado. This short story was published in 1846 in the issue of Godey’s Lady’s book. The author, Edgar Allan Poe was known for his dark and mysterious pieces, they became somewhat of a signature of his. Poe was a poet, American Author, an editor, and literary critic who considered part of the American Romantic Movement. Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story. He was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career.
The title is first. By referring to the word cask, a large barrellike container, used for storing liquids, typically alcoholic drinks, in the title we can tell that something is going to occur in a wine barrel, which in the end will represent Fortunato’s casket. In the story we learn that Fortunato is a strong and feared man, but he has a weakness of being in love with wine. This gives the readers another sign of foreshadowing. The story takes place during the carnival season, similar to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. When Montresor informs Fortunato about a special wine named Amontillado, Fortunato cannot help but to want some. This is how Montresor lures him into his trap. While traveling down the catacombs Fort...

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...ick sepulcher quickly and the idea soon becomes a reality. He was then left to die, no food, no drink, he just had to sit down there to rot and decay.
Revenge is the overall theme of this short story, however the characters costumes and names play a major role in the theme as well. The readers learn that Fortunato named that because it closely resembles the word fortunate, which is ironic because he was everything nut fortunate in the story. After being manipulated by Montresor he gets buried alive. Fortunato also wears a jest costume full with the cap and bells and this provides early signs that Fortunato is going to become the fool of the story, and also shows the reader a bit about his playful personality. Montresor wore a black, silk mask along with a roquelaire which shows the reader that he is a dark manipulative figure and plays the antagonist in the story.

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