Internet Dating

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The internet is defined as a global communication tool, which links networks all over the world. Networks are linked through services from telephone and satellite. This creates the World Wide Web where there is an explosion of activities (Coffman et al, 4).
Since the inception of the internet it has gained very popular usage. Its importance in the information dissemination, advertisement, and electronic trade cannot be overemphasized. It has gained numerous users in past decades. The usage of the internet has been extended to foster relationship and give hope to finding love. It allows people expand their dating pool beyond their social network and specify important characteristics of potential partners. However, it is important to find out whether the use of online dating has really fostered relationship or has a negative effect on building a stable relationship.
Online Dating.
Humans crave companies, this creates an urge to find a compatible partnership. It is recognized by human that finding a suitable and understanding partner can be somewhat difficult and challenging which often time may require getting help from where available (Finkel, 2). Although, in this present jet age, the resources available to meet these challenges have …show more content…

In modern times the internet is used on a daily base, why not use it to find love? Online dating is convenient, easy, and for anyone wo is seeking love. Numerous works have been made easier through the internet, businesses are run smoothly with lesser stress and the world has become a small and global village. Of the importance of internet, its advantage in help building a stable relationship with people around the world through online dating has increased has increased immensely. From the work, it is evident that the advantage of online dating supersedes over its problems and that users will continue with its

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