International Human Rights Essay

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Human rights are fundamental by reason of protecting individual’s basic necessities of our everyday lives. However, the international Human rights progress did not exist until after 1945, which occurred post World War II. Before World War II, Sovereignty was the leading force in international relations, which was based on non-intervention. Non-intervention refers to absence of international actors within the “domestic jurisdiction of a sovereign state (Donnelly, 3). As a result of the occurrences during World War II, multilateral actors have complied with the notion of human rights as an issue in world politics. Moreover, the process of developing international human rights was first established by the United Nations, who initiated the Commission on Human Rights. The United Nations drafted the Universal Declaration of Human rights; however, it is a soft enforcement mechanism, which is not a legally binding document because it aims to promote human rights rather than to convict a state that has violated the human rights of their citizens. Although the Declaration of Human Rights is not legally binding it has been influential and had set the standards in international politics. Since the United Nations’ Commission on Human Rights, it has gradually changed into the United Nations Human Rights Council, which was established in 2006. In addition to the UN bodies that help promote Human rights, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and among others are mechanisms that aims to advocate for human rights on an international level.
“Given that the international human rights regime does not ha...

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...s been in the forefront of politics and influential factors. It is understandable that everyone was born to have rights; however, culture should play a role as well. Therefore, the concept of margin of appreciation, which applies to the Council of Europe, is an idea that is practical because it allows each state express it norms that leaves room for cultural relativity. If the OAS and the AU included the margin of appreciation, there would be more compliance among states.
Like I mention earlier, I believe that there are enforcement mechanism that allows states to respond to serious consequences to violations. Furthermore, states compliance with regard to human rights is likely to be effective because the interconnection between states. I am not saying that states are perfect; however, there is always something to gain and lose when dealing with international law.

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