Interactions Between Taste Receptor Cells

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Discuss how tissues are interactions between the cells.
Taste receptor cells are bundled close together to form a taste bud, which is located inside of papillae tissue. There are papillae tissues all over the human tongue, and they are covered in little hairs called microvilli. The microvilli are used to detect chemicals in the mouth and are connected to the taste receptor cells. The papillae are interactions between taste receptor cells because without a papillae there would be no way for the taste receptor cells to taste chemicals on the surface of the tongue. The papillae provide a place for the microvilli to come through to detect the chemicals, while also being connected to the taste receptor cell, so that it can send signals to the brain alerting it to the chemical it detects. Due to this, it can be seen as an interaction between taste receptors as their interaction provides taste receptors with a way to complete their function.

Describe the function of the cell. …show more content…

For example, they are used to recognize when a food is rotten, so that a human does not eat that food. Once the taste receptor recognizes a harmful toxin, it will send a signal to the brain telling it the food is harmful. After the brain is told that it is harmful, the human rids it’s mouth of the food, therefore preventing the toxin from entering the stomach. As a result of filtering out rotten, or more toxic foods, taste receptors can also cause humans to eat healthier foods that have less toxins and in turn help them to get the nutrition that their body needs. Overall, taste receptor cells help to keep humans safe by preventing harmful substances from reaching their stomachs and by promoting the consumption of healthy, non-harmful

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