Intensification Stage Of Criminal Behavior

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There was a fight between two people in the middle of summer seventeen. The two males, Brad and Chad were fighting profusely around the campfire, eventually even rolling into the lake, still throwing punches and wrestling, the two individuals eventually tried to drown each other. This event was phase three of the crisis cycle, where the males were no longer rationally thinking and were out of control. The CauseAt the beach fire, there were several groups of friends, and several different discussions going on, one particular discussion involved politics, specifically Donald Trump and people’s opinions on how he would do as President. Chad overheard this discussion and lashed out calling Brad names and saying he was uneducated for thinking Trump would do a good job as President. …show more content…

Soon after Brad apologized, as he was not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings, after all, up to that point everyone was having a fun time. Chad however, wanted to fight, and he made it known, continuing to call Brad names. The two got riled up and eventually began fighting. The Behavior of the ParticipantsBefore the two started throwing punches they were in the intensification stage. In this stage, there weren’t many actions besides hand gestures, but there were a lot of emotions displayed. I noticed Brad and Chad get more and more emotional as the conversation went on, everything from raised voices to the language they were speaking in changed from the time previous to the incident. The only interactions between the two were the exchange of words and gestures prior to the physical fight. All of a sudden Brad jumped up and ran at Chad, taking the crisis from the intensification stage to the crisis

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