Intelligence Literature Review: The Evolution Of Human Intelligence

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SEGi UNIVERSITY AMERICAN DEGREE PROGRAM RESEARCH METHOD UPSY373. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT LITERATURE REVIEW LECTURER: MR. ALVIN TAN Kua Lik Khee (300-331-690) (SCM-014792) Running Head : The Human Intelligence The Human Intelligence Literature Review Kua Lik Khee SEGi University The human intelligence. The definition of intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Every human in the world has intelligences, however with different developed level. Intelligence is important because it play a role as the human basis of survival. If there is no intelligence, all the money, communication and technology in the world won’t help, it will be like a dead world. If we human live in this world without …show more content…

Sabbatini (2001), the human intelligence is defined as the key to a trove of understanding about ourselves, and how natural selection could produce such a marvel as the human brain and its capacities in such a short time (Renato M.E Sabbatini, 2001). The evolution of human intelligence is considerable as a mystery matter because the process of evolution is very difficult to be observed directly in the paleontological record such as blood, teeth or bond. Moreover, the evidence that scientists used to determine the evolution of human intelligence is the indirectly from the observation of the increase in the size of cranial capacity and also the action of result of human intelligence such as knowing how to use stone tools and be cooperative to hunt and war, the use of fire to cook, art and ritual and few other things. Furthermore, the article argued that the intelligence is not unique to humans. This is because current scientific view show that there are different level of complexity of intelligence also present in mammals and human share many features with animals which we were though it is only unique to human. In fact, it is not, such as symbolic language which has been determined it happened in

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