Integrity Essay

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My hopes in writing this is not digression but instead write as integrity as possible. I am not precocious but that in no way means that I am run of the mill. I have had a complete and complicated childhood and early adult life that has lead to the person I am today. I have experienced many things as a child that many others have not, and not to say that they were good things I watched growing up. I have been able to turn the most negative experiences and examples into a positive and exemplary thoughts, motivation, and effort. My motivation and effort that I put into all of my work is the reason why I have succeeded in all the things I put my mind to, I can thank the negatives things that I have experienced in my short but fulling 17 years of life. The things that I witnessed growing up like financial problems within my family, marital problems between my parents, and addiction to alcohol of a close family members has only made me strive to be the best I can in every aspect if my life so I can have a future different from the one I had growing up. I know though that everyone in my family tried to shield me as a child from all of the adult problems, but because I still had experienced a majority of theses "adult problems" they turned me into a wise, caring, motivated young women, that …show more content…

I know this because of the dreams and desires that I have for my life. I have realized that I don't want to have to worry about the problems I did as a child, and also I want to keep the same attributes I have now of being a hard worker who is always aiming for success. I have had many small successes that I add to everyday but I know that sometime in the near future I will succeed so greatly that I will inspire others to be motivated, to work hard, and also to realize that even the worse days can have the best effects on you if you only learn how to see

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