Integrative Studies Essay

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What Is Integrative Studies one may ask? There are so many definitions for integrative studies. Dr. Tanner define as “Integrative learning is a method by which one can synthesize or bring together multiple contexts as a way to apply interdisciplinarity to complex problems or situations.( p 24)” But here is how I define integrative studies, it is an umbrella term for structures, strategies, and activities that bridge numerous divides, such as high school and college, general education and the major, introductory and advanced levels, experiences inside and outside the classroom, theory and practice, and disciplines and fields. Integrative studies “foster a way of learning that mimics real life.( Edutopia).” Integrative studies help blend all the knowledge we learned together to solve a complex problem. It also helps increase understanding, retention, and application of the general concept, promotion of cooperative learning and a better attitude toward oneself as a learner and as a meaningful member of a community. In all integrative …show more content…

I will my degree as an example, I am Human Science major with three concentration: HDFS, ADRS, and INTS. Human development and family studies (HDFS) main purpose are to understand human development and their involvement with society. HDFS is one of the interdisciplinary programs where you study what goes on in human brains, physical and social development of humans throughout different stages of their life. These stages start from a conception that is when the child was conceived till death and how the environment ( friends, family, community, and society) has shaped the person. These are some classes offered in HDFS: child guidance and parenting, contemporary family issues, multiethnic society, early childhood education, human sexuality, child development, lifespan development, psychology and,

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