Insurgent War Quotes

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After finishing the book Insurgent, the reader is left with many significant morals to take away from the story. Some of the lessons shown are that you should always do what is right, people are stronger together, and you should overcome your fears. Firstly, when Tris is conflicted between following her boyfriend and completing the task her parents strived to accomplish, she knows she needs to follow her instincts. Although it is a difficult decision to make, she acknowledges, “He thinks I will be here, but I will be working against him, working with the father he despises. This lie – this lie is the worst I have ever told. I will never be able to take it back” (425). This quotation shows an example of how even though she feels terrible …show more content…

Each person is considered brave, selfless, intelligent, peaceful, or honest. It is considered very abnormal to have more than one dominate characteristic. The people also do not like the citizens of other factions. When they are watching the important video file at the end of the book, the woman tells them, “I am about to join your number” (525). She is recognizing that there is strength in numbers and if everyone works as a team, they can restore humanity. They are starting to understand that factions are the cause of the diversity between the people, which causes war. If the war continues, eventually all of humanity could disappear. Thirdly, the reader can learn from many of the characters that fears should never hold a person back in life. Tris faces her fears in chapter forty-four, “And I do the one thing my double is unable to do, because she is not desperate enough: I fire” (494). Tris is selflessly showing that yet again she will do anything in order to find the information that her parents wanted so dearly. She shoots not only at the simulation of herself, but also of Will. This is showing that she has overcome her fear of guns and that she will not let it hold her back anymore. She admits that her old self would never have shot a gun. In conclusion, the morals of doing the right thing, uniting together, and confronting your fears are all strongly enforced in the book

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