Installing A Child Safety Fence

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How to Install a Child Safety Fence The instructions for installing a child safety The staircase : A problem for many of young children Parents for which the risk of falling is real, especially if the stairs are steep. To prevent falls down the stairs, install a child safety . It only takes a few minutes and can avoid many accidents. Here are the instructions for installing a child safety gate in your home Step 1 - I choose my safety There are many models to prevent children attempting the adventure of the stairs nets or barriers of all kinds (and prices), adjustable or not, with or without door. In this case, it s' is a basic model barrier gate, easy to open for parents, but not for children under 3 years. Its height is standard (75 cm) and its width …show more content…

Must be a drill, a screwdriver (or a drill driver), a meter, four pegs, screws and appropriate fasteners provided with the barrier. Step 3 - I take the measurements I start by measuring the length necessary barrier between the wall and the post. Can I carry this measure on the fence before screwing amounts to length - easy, there are pre-holes that allow for different lengths. Then I take care of my height barrier to postpone the dimensions on the wall and mark the places where I'll break through. The barrier must be placed approximately 3 cm from the edge of the stairs. Step 4 - I put up the fixings I plate my bindings on the wall to identify where I'll break through. I do not miss a wick adapted before my holes and dowel. The ankles are obligatory for any fixation. Then I screwed my bindings securely into the wall, top and bottom. In the wooden pole, I just have to screw with wood screws. I choose to just put them a small piece of steel T. Step 5 - I firmly settled my

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