Inigo: A Short Story

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“I see a boat!”Fezzik Shouts. “Where? Asked Inigo. “I don’t see it!” “Up ahead, to the left!” Fezzik answers. “oh, I see Senior.” The crew prepares to invade the ship and take all of it’s gold. It would be weeks before anyone notices that the gold didn’t make it to it’s destitation; being out in the middle of the Pacific. Inigo’s ship pulls up beside the foreign vessel.It doesn’t take very long for the boat’s crew to surrender when they see Fezzik come aboard. Fezzik orders the crew to search for gold. Right He goes by Dread Pirate Roberts. Westley gave him the name after he retired. Dread Pirate Roberts was Known for being ruthless and taking no prisoners. “A ship!” one of the crew members yells. “On the other side of the boat!” He adds. …show more content…

It comes to a stop next to Inigo’s ship. They pile on to Inigo’s ship and take all of his newly stolen gold. It’s all gone within minutes. Inigo and his crew sail twenty miles south to Inigo’s private island. When they get onto the island and start heading inland to Inigo’s house, they realize that they did not anchor the boat. It’s too late to do anything about it. The ship had drifted away. Inigo sends his crew to swim out and retrieve the boat while he and Fezzik gather gold from inigo’s secret

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